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6:16 p.m. - 2018-09-07
Life is better :)
Well, a lot has changed since my last entry in June of 2017 lol.

Let's see, where to begin... I guess I'll start with my love life.

Aaron and I broke up in early March this year after I found out that he'd been cheating on me with some Asian anorexic bean pole for about a year. I went to his house to surprise him one weekend and found a surprise of my own. A tiny Asian woman answered the door and we had a chat about how we were both Aaron's girlfriend. Honestly, I am just surprised that he found someone else that would put up with his shit.

Oh well, not my loss. I've been so much happier since I left him. I don't sit around waiting for calls or texts, I don't feel unloved, and I have more than enough fulfillment from my job, friends, and family.... so let's move on to my job. :)

Last December (2017), I was chosen to be a part of my company's leadership development program, which they call Odyssey. It has been a pretty cool experience, as we've traveled to Prague, London, St. Petersburg, and next is Beijing. Moin has moved to Bangladesh to start a HC branch there, and he has asked if I would be interested in joining him. I am currently trying to convince Igor, our current CEO, to let me visit Moin in BD for a workshop with a partner they're pursuing.

I am eager to visit just to check it out and see what it's like. I don't currently have anything tying me to Kansas, since I am not dating anyone... so moving to Bangladesh would be something I would consider, since I likely wouldn't have this opportunity ever again.

I've also been working on projects on my house. My parents have been helping me out a lot and have really done a great job in helping me move my projects along. I am currently looking into getting into wholesaling houses, and potentially buying another house.

I've actually felt really fulfilled lately without even worrying about finding another mate/relationship. I am feeling quite burned out on relationships, as I tried dating after Aaron and met a guy who I dated for a month or two that has severe paranoia and other mental issues. He was a complete and utter mess and I am pretty sure the majority of men that are still single at this point in their lives are a dumpster fire... which does not incentivize me to want to date at all. In my opinion, it's a huge waste of time, of which I do not have much of at this point in my life.

So it's going to take someone pretty fucking fantastic to make me want to no longer be alone. lol I am done putting up with petty bullshit and have promised myself that the next time I am feeling unfulfilled in a relationship, I am giving them one chance to improve and after that, I am out. I am way too damn good of a catch to stay with a piece of shit that can't put in the effort to keep me happy.

Aaron got way too many years out of me, when he really should have only had one. But again, that's his loss, and I am sure that karma will follow him around the rest of his life because he has no idea how maintain a healthy relationship.

Anyway, I am very content with my life and am very much enjoying the time to myself. I've also started a blog about travel, and I am hoping to make it successful/profitable in the next year or so. Just need to work on getting articles written.

So yay for improvements in my life... throwing out the garbage and pursuing new and exciting things!! Hopefully my next entry won't be a year and a half from now, but hey... better than never.

Here's hoping things just keep getting better :)


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